Aspire to obtain Aspirant Gear

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"Header image stating: Aspire to obtain Aspirant Gear

Gear continues to evolve in Iron Throne. With each evolution of gear, it is our goal to keep you in the know. When the game was first released we saw our first-generation gear which was able to be enhanced to level 15. Eventually, Dark Lord came along and replaced all previous sets as the gear to have. However, it was quite difficult to obtain. Then we saw our second-generation gear released. This included sets such as majestic and slaughter. Over time we have seen sets become easier to obtain which has helped us to be able to make solid increases in our builds.

With the changes made to our gear, we are constantly seeing an evolving cycle of what gear to wear and when. Last month we covered how to obtain and craft gear on a budget in our article, Building up your Gear on a budget.

However, we have seen some significant changes to gear lately and a new gear set that has everyone wondering how it will impact the current Gear Meta.

Before we dive in though make sure that you take the time to go back and get the basics on our gear in these articles and videos:

The Forge – All the basics you need to know about crafting and more

Gear for Beginner – A beginners video guide to gear from Princess Kat

Majestic Gear – A video guide to Majestic Gear From Princess Kat

Comparing the New with the Old: Iron Throne Gear update – A closer look at First and Second Generation Gear side by side

Gear up to Build up – A closer look at Gear for Economy functions

Gear up! Advanced Gear Tips – A look at first-generation combat gear and combat functions

Aspiring to Aspirant

Recently we have seen the release of the Aspirant Gear set and from a look at the stats, it is a gear set that is worth striving after. However, here is the catch, currently, this is one of the most difficult sets to obtain in-game. Our hope is that as time passes we will be given more ways to acquire this set and allow us to test it and its stats out. However, we are going to preemptively take a closer look at this gear set and the stats it provides and what that could mean for us as players.

Aspirant Gear Changes

Your Aspirant Gear can now be enhanced to level 15. For defenders utilizing the weapons as part of their defense setup, these new levels can give a great boost to your defense.

The new +15 Set Bonus for Aspirant Gear can be seen in the table below:

"Picture of Table for Aspirant Gear Changes/Enhancement compared with Willful Set."

In the table below you can see the increase from +10 to +15 Aspirant Gear

"Picture of table for enhancement for +10 to +15 of Aspirant Gear"

Aspirant Gear Set

What is the Aspirant Gear Set?

"Picture of the Aspirant Gear Set"

Aspirant Gear is an enhancement set that is specialized in order to enhance Infantry Troops. This means that this gear is focused on making your infantry troops stronger. We could compare this gear to Slaughter Gear. However, it is much more than that.

How to Obtain this gear set

There are a few ways that you can currently work towards obtaining this new gear set. In the codex it is listed as being available via the following methods:

  1. True World- The Leader of the Alliance that holds the Imperial Castle for the longest time can obtain this equipment.
  2. Content Reward- You can only obtain this equipment as the best content reward.

In other words, this gear is going to be obtainable through events, however, only as of the highest reward. This means it will take a while until we really start seeing this gear in-game and it will go to the top players. It will not be a gear that is easy to get. However, this gear has made its way into the gold store and while it is not cheap it is up to you whether or not the stats are worth the price.

What is unique about Aspirant Gear Stats?

Why should you Aspire to have Aspirant Gear? That is an important question. This gear breaks the rules and brings a lot to the table. We will go into the stats on this gear but first, we want to give you some quick bullet points to look for when you are looking at the stats:

  • This is the first level 60 gear set in Iron Throne
  • When we take a closer look at Aspirant gear one of the first things we will notice is the stats are basically a combination of Crimson Slaughter and Slaughter Gear. However, the numbers are much higher.
  • Traditionally we are used to pieces of gear giving one Hero stat such as Hero Attack or Hero Defense or Hero HP. However, with this set, that rule is broken and the same piece of gear may give Hero Attack and Hero HP or Hero Defense and Hero HP.
  • The accessories on this gear give Hero Face-Off Attack Increase, which with the increase of importance in Face-Off is going to be essential. In addition, you will also see that the accessories are not troop type-specific and carry a ton of Hero attack and hero HP which is also going to help you with Face-off.

Level 60 Gear Updates

Currently level 60 gear is playing a more and more important role in the game. For defenders, level 60 weapons play a big part in your defense set-up. Currently, these gear sets can be enhanced to level 10. At this point, you are also able to engrave these gear sets.

In the table below, you can see the stats you will get at max engraving for each of these pieces. The weapons engraving will give our defenders some nice extra Type Attack.

"Picture of table comparing Level 60 Gear Engraving for Aspirant, Willful and Ferocious"

This gear has the same cost to engrave as radiant. It requires 50 Engraving stones per attempt to engrave. Remember when you are engraving gear the stats from the engraving only applies to the Hero wearing it when engraved. So before you start engraving this gear set be sure it is equipped to the Hero it will be staying on.

The Stats

We are going to take a closer look at this gear in comparison to our previous infantry gear set, Slaughter and Crimson Slaughter. We will break down the stats gear piece by gear piece so you are able to really see what sets this gear apart.

"Picture of table of Aspirant Gear Set versus Slaughter Gear Set stats"

The Set Bonuses

We cannot look at the stats on this gear without looking at the set bonuses that are available. Initially let’s start off by looking at the base set bonus.

"Picture of table showing Aspirant base set bonus"

This base set bonus has some decent stats. However, let’s go ahead and take a look at the Immortal set bonus.

"Picture of table showing Aspirant immortal set bonus"

As we continue seeing this set increase in enhancement we will add on more benefits such as:

  • +5 Bonus gives a Deployable Troop Size increase
  • +10 Bonus gives Increase Troop Attack on Face-Off Victory
  • +10 Bonus gives Enemy Tier 6+ Preemptive Strike Debuff
  • +10 Bonus gives Enemy Rally Troop Attack Buff Decreased

What does all of this mean?

Ultimately we just threw a lot of numbers and information at all of you. So what does it mean? We have a few points to look at here:

  • As Face-off becomes more and more important these are sets that we will want to move towards obtaining and enhancing.
  • Aspirant and the sets we are waiting to see follow may once again push everyone towards a type defense.
  • Even when crafting at lower quality at times the stats on this gear will outperform current gear sets. So make sure you keep an eye on the numbers and test things out as you are able to do so.

What about Archer and Cavalry Stats?

Never fear! Or maybe fear, idk, you pick. There are new sets coming to enhance Archer and Cavalry Stats as well. If you look in your forge you will see two gear sets that are not yet available. Keep an eye out for these new level 60 gear sets as well.

  1. Willful Set- Archer
  2. Ferocious Set- Cavalry

What’s Next?

Do not miss out on reading some of our older articles and newer articles. We have tons of content to help you along your way as you set up the perfect defense or attack.

An In-Depth Look at Radiant Gear

Take a minute to step back and check out the gear that is tearing up the battlefield as offensive players enhance it higher and higher.

An In-Depth Look at Radiant Gear

Stay Tuned

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