The Role of the Alliance Sanctuary in Alliance War

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Alliance War is an enjoyable event pitting several Alliances against each other from different Kingdoms. This battle has two parts, and the second half of the war involves defending the Alliance Sanctuary from your competitors while conquering theirs. Today we will discuss a brief overview of the Alliance War, and look at how the Alliance Sanctuary portion of the event is important to your success.

What is the Alliance War?

In order to be eligible for Alliance War, an Alliance must have an Alliance Sanctuary. This requires having an Alliance Castle. The R4 or R5 can apply for the Alliance War, and choose a League which they wish to participate in.

"Picture of Alliance League"

Alliance War is a battle between different Alliances that lasts over 2 days. It has two Phases; Phase 1 is focused on Research, Building, Troop Training, Gathering, Chaotic Strongholds, and Monsters. Phase 2 is the battle stage where points are accumulated by additionally killing troops from the opposition and occupying their Alliance Sanctuary. You may port to the enemy Alliance’s Kingdom for this! Your warrant will last 2 hours.

For an in-depth look at Alliance War, check out Cinder’s article here!

Alliance Sanctuary

The Alliance Sanctuary battles can be confusing for some players, so let’s take a deeper look.

When Phase 2 of the Alliance War starts, you will be competing for control of the opposing Alliances’ Sanctuaries (and the points they contain). Controlling the Sanctuary gives big points, and often Alliances that were ahead during Phase 1 fall behind quickly if they cannot secure a Sanctuary. The location of the enemy Sanctuary can be found on the World Map. Holding the Sanctuary gives different point levels per League. Every 10 minutes you will accumulate the following points if you have control;

  • League 1: 1,000,000,000
  • League 2: 650,000,000
  • League 3: 350,000,000
  • League 4: 150,000,000
  • League 5: 50,000,000

You will fight for the Alliance Sanctuary just as you would fight for a normal Sanctuary with a couple of changes.

Sanctuary Peace Shield

A Peace Shield can be added to the Alliance Sanctuary. This Peace Shield lasts 6 hours and can only be applied by Rank 4 or higher. Once the Peace Shield has been applied, your Alliance can no longer attack other Alliance’s Sanctuaries. Additionally, it cannot be used if you have any Alliance Sanctuary Debuffs on your Sanctuary.

Alliance Sanctuary Debuff

When you take the enemy’s Sanctuary debuffs are added; My Troop Attack Debuff and My Droop HP Debuff. These apply to the matched Alliance only, so you can’t go hit other Alliances and have them apply.

"Picture of Alliance Sanctuary Debuffs"

These debuffs accumulate and will be applied to all alliance members. These debuffs are important and can change the tide of the war when battling for the Sanctuaries. Once “the conquest” is over, the debuffs will be removed every ten minutes. After one hour these debuffs will be completely gone.

These debuffs accrue at the following rate every 10 minutes;

  • 80% My Troop Attack Debuff
  • 15% My Troop HP Debuff

The maximum debuffs PER ALLIANCE SANCTUARY HELD are;

  • 960% My Troop Attack Debuff
  • 180% My Troop HP Debuff

These debuffs pertain only to your personal troops, as indicated in the name of the Debuff. They will not carry over to the entire Alliance.

The Alliance Sanctuary War is critical to succeeding in the Alliance War. If you do not have a solid plan in plan to defend your Sanctuary and/or take others’ Sanctuaries you most likely will not win. Teamwork as always is highly important! Do you have any questions or comments about the Alliance War or the Alliance Sanctuary? Let us know in the comments below.