Rise of Firstborn Currencies Guide Part 2

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Welcome back to Iron Throne Currencies Part 2. In Part 1, we explored gold, wishes, ap, war coins, and ancient coins. However, there are more currencies that we have yet to cover. Iron Throne is filled with different ways to get the items you need and knowing them and how to best utilize your resources is important in order to be successful.

In Part 2 we will take a closer look at the alliance store, marketplace, and a quick look at the gold store. However, if you missed Part 1 be sure to go back and read it.

Alliance Shop

Alliance shop.jpg

The alliance shop is a very useful feature in the game and one of the biggest Iron Throne currencies outside of gold. You can find a wide array of items in this store and you are able to accumulate currency by doing simple functions on a daily basis. When looking at the alliance store there are two types of currency.

  • Alliance Points
  • Honor Points

These are accumulated in different ways and used differently as well. Alliance points are used by your alliance’s R4 and R5 members to purchase items from the catalog, these items are placed into the Shop where all members of the alliance can purchase them using honor points.

Alliance Points

Understanding the alliance catalog can be very helpful. Over time alliances are able to accumulate points to purchase items from the catalog that their members are able to use to grow and build. Knowing what is here and how to best spend these points can be very important.

When should I spend Alliance Points?

Many times you will hear your alliance members asking for different items to be placed into the alliance shop. Only spending when these items are asked for is feasible but requires an R4 or higher to be on to put these items in the shop when they are requested.

This is not always possible so players are also able to star items they would like to see in the shop. The number on the star is the number of alliance members who want this item.

However, the reality is that you do not want to go stock the store everytime someone needs something. First, we will cover what is in the alliance catalog and then how you stock your alliance shop.

What can I find in the Alliance Catalog?

There are five tabs in the alliance catalog which separate items to make them easy to find. These tabs are familiar as they are the same ones we see when we open our items.

  • insert table here*

Stocking the Shop

When looking at what items to keep the alliance shop stocked with you want to be sure to include items that will help your alliance members to grow. They can always use their honor points for what they choose but your goal as a leader should be to encourage them to use their honor points for items that will help them grow. You can also watch the purchase history and see what members are buying and stock according to that.

Growth Items =

  • Speed Ups- Speed ups are needed for every function and will contribute to your alliance members growth.
  • Peace Shields- There should never be an excuse for a player to not have access to a peace shield.
  • VIP Activates- While there are so many other places these are available a few of these are helpful just in case.
  • Hero XP- Increasing the level of your hero’s helps with the benefits they are giving and helps you to grow.
  • Reset Lord Skills- These beauties are 1K Gold a pop and until your alliance members obtain VIP 22 are very necessary.
  • Premium Teleport- Teleports are going to help your members to move around the map and kill monsters and chaotics without having to spend gold.
  • Quest Refresh- These will help players to bump up their resources and honor points.

Honor Points

Honor points.jpg

Honor points are what you get to be able to spend in the alliance shop. The more honor points you have the more you are able to spend. There are a few places where you can obtain honor points and you want as many as possible so be sure that you are getting them.

Where can I get Honor Points?

  • Alliance Quest
  • Alliance Gifts
  • Alliance Event
  • Alliance Helps

Note: The weekly Alliance Gift packs have Alliance Quest Refreshes in them that can prove to be very helpful.

Prioritization of Spending Honor Points

There are a lot of different items that you are able to spend your honor points on so you want to be sure that you are spending them in a way that is most useful and helpful to you.

  • Skill Preset Changes- Before VIP 22 this is one of the best places you can spend your honor points. Every time you change skill presets it costs you 1K Gold and this is something that usually needs to be done a few times a day. By purchasing your preset changes through the alliance store you are able to put your gold towards other things, like those compasses that also cost one thousand gold.
  • Premium Teleports- Teleports are also expensive but we need to be able to move around the map to kill monsters and hit chaotic or defiled strongholds. By purchasing your ports through the alliance shop you are able to save gold and money.
  • Speed Ups- If you are doing good on the two items above and need those extra speed up items to push you through your build or research then you are able to spend your points to get speed up items in the alliance store.
  • March Speed Ups- This is another item that costs a lot in gold. It is good to always have a few march speed ups on hand for a few purposes. Whether you are trying to keep Player X from trying to steal your cerberus or speeding troops home so you can shield make sure you keep a few of these in stock.

From here, you can really spend your points at will. However, we recommend saving up points in between purchasing items so that you have some put back in case of emergency or just on a rainy day. At times purchasing resources through here can be helpful when you need that extra push to be able to research, build, or train. However, your best bet is to use the teleports to grind PvE targets for speed ups and resources.


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At the merchant, you are able to spend your resources and gold to obtain a variety of items. The bonus is that purchasing items through here goes towards your VIP quests as well. Every day you are given three free refreshes so that you are able to get a new list of items for sale after three refreshes there is a gold cost associated. Items purchased through here with gold are offered at a discounted price.

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If you are running low on resources be cautious with what you are using your resources to purchase. When deciding what to purchase with your gold be sure to look at the cost and discount and to consider whether it is worth it or if you are able to obtain these items elsewhere.

Keep an eye out for jackpot offers these items are normally discounted very well. Occasionally, you will be offered Compasses through here. Always purchase these if able. compasses are expensive so any discount on these items is worth it.

The best rule of thumb when it comes to the merchant is: Do I need this item? Can I obtain it elsewhere? Is it worth the cost? If you can answer these questions and still think you should purchase through the merchant then go for it.

Gold Store

We are going to look at the gold store minimally here. For a more in-depth budget guide, make sure you give our article, Budget Guide, a read. However, there is always the option to the head to the gold store to purchase items. For players that are more budget players, it is possible to excel without spending but it will take longer and you will not be on the same level as some of the spenders in the game.

Using your in-game currency well will help you be able to make your money stretch further and save you in the long run. We have shared our tips and tricks on how to spend your Iron Throne currency, now you share your tips and tricks with us! What do you think is the best way to spend your in-game items? Comment below and let us know.