How to Maximize Alliance Research

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Alliance research header.png

Alliance research in Iron Throne has many benefits for both the alliance and individual players. There are many options to research, and it can be confusing to decide which to do. Let’s take a look at research and the benefits of the individual options.

The Basics

There are multiple alliance researches to focus on. To get to the alliance research section, first, click on the “Alliance” tab, and then the “Research” icon.

Basics 1.jpg

Each research requires contributions of different types of RSS. You can donate one chunk of RSS at a time, or use gold to send a chunk along with an alliance gift.

Basics 2.jpg

Alliance leadership should communicate with the alliance as to which researches they should be prioritizing their donations to. Most researches max out at level 10, but there are a few with a lower maximum level, which we will address further on.

Speeding Research

Once all the necessary resources have been donated, and Rank 4 or 5 members can start the research. At this point, members will need to speed it with alliance speed ups. There are several places to obtain these;

  • Alliance Quests
  • Alliance Gifts
  • Alliance Shop
  • Alliance Pack
  • Gold

The alliance pack is a weekly $4.99 pack that not only comes with alliance speed ups, but also 50 alliance quest refreshes. These will provide additional alliance speed ups, along with honor points, hero XP additional RSS for your castle.

Weekly alliance package.jpg

In the larger alliances, you may get to a point where almost all of the researches are awaiting being started/sped. Be sure to keep one open for players to do their daily quest donation.

Donation Leaderboard and Elder

On each research, you can see who in the alliance has contributed the most. The top eight contributors each week, receive the title of Elder. This perk gives extra 5 extra helps for the week, along with a special banner around their avatar. This is especially helpful if you have alliance members working on extremely long researches or builds.

Donation leaderboard.jpg

The Researches

Now we get to the actual researches. As you progress through the levels, they will require more RSS and have longer timers. There are three Levels in the Alliance Research Tab. You must complete a certain amount of the prior researches in order to move to the next tab.

Level 1

These are the first Alliance Researches you will work on. In the chart below there are suggestions for prioritization;

  • A: Top Priorities
  • B: Secondary Priorities
  • C: Low Priorities

Keep in mind these are just suggestions, as your alliance goals may differ.

  • insert table here*

Note that the research for alliance raid boss is prioritized as “B” in the above table. This could also be considered “A” depending on the depth of love your alliance has for the raid boss and winning the weekly alliance event.

The big two are Helping Hand and Professional Help. Get those done ASAP as they are immensely helpful for researching and building.

Level 2

There aren’t as many researches in this tab as the first. These mainly focus on Alliance buildings and efficiencies. Tab 1 Research needs to be at 180 to start these.

  • Increase Alliance Castle Defense: Increases the quantity of troops you can position in the Alliance Castle.
  • Revive Alliance Castle Defense: Increases the revive rate of the Alliance Castle’s Defense Troops.
  • Alliance Castle Mighty Defense: Increases Defense Troop’s Attack, Defense and HP stationed in the Alliance Castle.
  • Enhance Alliance Building Durability: Decreases the reduce rate (%) of the Durability when an enemy attacks the Alliance Building.
  • Enhance Defense: Increases the Troop’s Attack, Defense and HP when defending your castle within the Alliance Territory (excludes Alliance Castle).
  • Attain Proficiency in Gathering Resources: Increases the resource gathering speed of Alliance Members within the Alliance Territory (including Alliance Resource Centers).
  • Iron Frame Enhancement II: Increases the durability of Alliance Defense Facilities.
  • God of Research II: Increases the efficiency of the Bonus Research Donation.
  • Cornucopia II: Increases the Resource Production Rate of all Lords within the Alliance territory.
  • Professional Help II: Increases duration of Alliance help.
  • Transcendence II: Increases Alliance Research Speed.
  • Quick Construct II: Increases Alliance Building Construction speed.
  • Gathering II: Increases Gathering speed of the Alliance Resource Center.
  • Strong Friendship: Increases wait time until auto recall when sending reinforcements to Alliance members.

Out of all of these, Professional Help and Transcendence are a good place to start your focus.

Level 3

Level 2 Alliance Research must be at Level 80 in order to start the last tab. This tab focuses on Combat stats within the Alliance Territory, along with Alliance Quests and Shop.

  • Enhance Attack: Increases the Attack March’s Attack, Defense and HP when attacking enemies within the Alliance Territory (includes Rally Attack).
  • Tenacious HP: Increases the Revive March’s revive rate when attacking enemies within the Alliance Territory (includes Rally Attack).
  • Enhance Rally II: Increases the number of Troops that can rally at the Hall of War.
  • Arrow Tower II: Increases damage dealt to enemies within a certain range.
  • Stronghold II: Enhances the debuff that reduces enemy Attack within a certain range.
  • Special Order II: Increases the max number of Alliance quests (every 2 levels).
  • Shop Discount II: Reduces item prices in the Alliance Shop (the Index is not affected).
  • Deep Investigation II: Increases the Honor Points and Alliance Points gained from Alliance Quests.
  • Helping Hand II: Increases count of Alliance Help (increases by one every 2 levels).
  • Power Help II: Increases max Reinforcement capacity.

Of this group, Helping Hand II and Deep Investigation II are a good starting point.

Alliance Research with Chrishero100

Many times players overlook alliance research, but it’s critical both for the alliance and helping individual players. Make a point to guide your alliance on which to donate to if there are multiple options, and remind people to use their speeds to finish pending research.

What’s Next?

Want to learn more about Alliances? Check out Elite Tips to Keep your Alliance Engaged and Alliances in Rise of Firstborn.

Dig into the mechanics of Alliance War with the Alliance War Overview.

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